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80186 Microprocessors: Introduction and Architecture

Hello friends, today we are going to discuss the 80186 microprocessor with integrated peripherals. The Intel 80186 is an improved version of the 8086 microprocessor. 80186 is a 16-bit microprocessor with a 16-bit data bus and a 20-bit address bus. It has a programmable peripheral device integrated into the same package. The instruction set of the 80186 is a superset of the instruction set of the 8086. The term super-set means that all of the 8086 instructions will execute properly on an 80186, but the 80186 has a few additional instructions. The following figure shows the block diagram and pin diagram of 80186. The CPU is divided into seven independent functional parts. 80186 internal block diagram  80186 68-pins pin diagram  Functional parts of 80186 Microprocessor The Bus Interface Unit (BIU) Execution Unit (EU) Clock Generator Programmable interrupt controller Programmable Chip Select Unit (CSU) Programmable DMA Unit Programmable counter/timers The Bus Interface Unit ...

What is Computer?


Today computers have gained access to every aspects of our life. Computers appear to us in so many ways that many times we fail to see them as they actually are. Business today relies on computer technology to assist them in almost every area of corporate life. It is hard to imagine a world without computers. Computers are changing the way people work and communicate, they are become more and more a part of our everyday lives.

What is Computer?

A computer is an electronic device that accepts input, processes data, stores data and produces output, all according to a series of stored instructions (program).The definition are as follows.

A computer is an electronic device that process raw data and generates meaningful information under the control of set of instructions with speed and accuracy.

The 4 basic operations are:

  • Input: entering data into the computer.
  • Processing: performing operations on the data.
  • Output: presenting the results.
  • Storage: saving data, programs/output for future use
Computer System  =Hardware + software + User
Where, Hardware=Internal Devices + Peripheral Devices
User=Person who operates computer.
Hardware: The term Hardware refers to the Physical components of computer such as mouse, keyboard, monitor etc.

Software: Software refers to the instructions or programs that make the computer work. Example: word, excel, e-mail, notepad etc.

Program: A program consists of step by step instructions that tell the computer how to do its work. The purpose of software is to convert data into Information.

Computers are very powerful & cheap enough to do tasks such as video conferencing, image processing, animations, speech processing etc.

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